Category: Jeremy Roddick

Today Julien and I have been watching the TV show “24″, Season 7. We are addicted to the series and have pretty much been watching it since we woke up – in between practicing my DJ stuff. I have a new model named Damien coming down from Ottawa tomorrow to shoot a video for me. I’m excited to add a new scene to my website and to also shoot again. I got a photo of Damien from Jeremy Roddick’s website, who will be filiming the scene tomorrow. I also got an offer to go to Quebec City today to practice my DJ skills, with my DJ teacher,  but I could not because of shooting and schedules – so next time… For now, it’s back to watching “24″ LOL – I love the action in that show

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Today Drake and Ken shot one hell of a hot scene. I’m very excited to release this on my website. I will be shooting a scene with myself very soon. Jeremy Roddick shot the video. I did took pictures for the next box cover of the next DVD that will be out in 1 month or so. I hope you all really like this video. For now, as you know, ‘Playin’ With Pierre’ is available if you   click here .  Other then that, tonight we are watching a show called ‘Intervention”…then will head to be. I’m really tired. Have a good night!

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Ken and Drake

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, we get a lot of opportunities to promote and entertain in gay friendly activities. Several years ago, the local university began inviting us to speak to some Human Sexuality students about our industry. We just got back from the 3rd and final class of the semester, and let me tell you, these kids want to know EVERYTHING about porn. Why gay? (Why not?) How much porn do you watch? (Probably not as much as you think) Have you ever met any porn stars? (Met and made, of course, we’re working hard to bring you the next big thing!)

So, as a tribute to our educational contribution, I’m happy to remind you about some of the great schoolboy flicks available out there in the wild and wonderful world of amateur porn!

For you spank fans out there check out British College Spank. Need a study buddy? How about Mischievous School Boys? Looking for some post school relaxation? Take a look at Pierre’s After School Special

Here’s a couple of snapshots from Bare’s Bare Reunion.



Ah, civic duty is a glorious thing!

Have a great weekend,
