Daily Archives: December 23, 2009

I don’t think ‘non-miracle’ is a word but anyway…. We had our company Christmas party for the bar last night and it was tons of fun. There was good food, good company, a gift exchange, but mostly … lots of booze. A bunch of us went bar hoping after the party finished as well. What can I say, I can drink with the best of em, maybe its the Irish in me. This is usually not a problem except that I may have a headache the following morning, but this particular evening I drank so much that I could no longer stand. The ironic part is that my legs gave in moments before I got safely inside my house. Yea, thats right, I totally fell onto the sidewalk outside my house. Luckily my friends were there to pick me up off the pavement, but some of my face seems to have been left behind, as you can see from the photo (exhibit A ). Now most people just throw up and are all better, I however don’t seem to have a gag reflex…hmmm? So instead I fall flat on my face and tear off half of my eyebrown and cheek skin in the process. From the looks of the bruise it appears that I got punched in the eye – I almost wish that were the truth, thats a much more interesting story, but alas, I was just being a drunkard. So until the swelling goes down I’m just going to take it easy which means NO LIVE SHOW tonight. I am so sorry but you wouldn’t wanna see me right now anyway, it ain’t pretty. I’m hoping this little stroke of bad luck I seem to be having this holiday season will go away with the holidays. Let’s hope!

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A Christmas Non-Miracle…