Daily Archives: March 17, 2009

Sorry I have not been blogging for a few days. I have not been feeling very well. Today I ran for 30 minutes and went to the gym to do my chest and shoulders, did some house cleaning and laundry – and played a bit of X Box. I had some really good Chinese food today – fried rice with bacon and pork LOL. Not healthy, but sooo good. Speaking of good…some good news!!! My new DVD is out TODAY called PLAYIN’ WITH PIERRE The first 100 to buy this DVD will get free shipping – and also my autograph on the box cover. One of the first 100 will ALSO get a pair of my signed underwear and a iPod Touch 8GiG with all my 3 dvd’s video’s on it!!! Good Luck and thanks!!! If you decide you would like a copy:   link click here .

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The third time around I had the same problem with the balls, as I mentioned yesterday,  and head of my penis – but otherwise it was good. You are the final judges, at THE BIG BANG REVEAL Wednesday Night LIVE CAM and CHAT …at the ‘not so surprise’ live show. You will see what the final product can do! ONE… …TWO… THREE… …TA DAAA!!!…now I can TURK MYSELF!!! HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY !!!

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