Tagged: follow-through

Last night, federal district court Judge Virginia Phillips declared that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is unconstitutional. Following federal court rulings on Proposition 8 in August and the “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) in July, Judge Phillips’ decision is the third federal court ruling in as many months to find statutory limitations on the rights of LGBT Americans unconstitutional. However, the fate of DADT is still in doubt. It’s very possible that the DADT decision will be stayed, which means President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid must take the lead to finally repeal this discriminatory policy. Since 2009, the Courage Campaign has collected 491,197 signatures and delivered them to members of Congress, the U.S. Army and the Obama Administration. Now we need you to do it again — sign here to tell Sen. Harry Reid to follow through : http://www.couragecampaign.org/KeepThePromise

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Well, my sixth actor scheduled also was a no show. Gave no notice of not coming in, nothing. Spoke to him on Instant Messenger over the weekend, telling me everything was set to go. I’m am so sick and tired of these twinky actors fucking me on flights and wasting my time. I’m going to be putting a new policy in effect starting immediately which will require a signed agreement with actors prior to booking them for their flights and for the shoot. And everyone wonders why it’s taking so long to cast Twinklight? It’s because actors who have no respect for the business or themselves who take the spot of another actor who would have had the professionalism to follow through, at the very least give me enough notice to get another actor in. Fucking bull shit! Afton

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Robert Another Actor No Show